Monday, August 13, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

The biggest discovery with this journey was that I was able to complete the entire program, and continued to be motivated to continue to the end. There were times when I thought who cares. I found that I cared enough and was curious enough to get through each week, and look forward to finding out what the next lesson would be. Even though I will probably not use these tools right away, I would like to find ways to incorporate them into my daily routine at work and into my personal life as well. I would love to become more organized be able to put my hands/cursor on information when I need it, without having to look for it each time.

I would love to take the time to go back to the beginning and start all over and create a new account and do each lesson over and not feel any pressure and have the time to explore in more detail.

I felt the team did an excellent job presenting and assisting. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

One of my goals was to have fun and I really did. There would be times when we would get frustration, but there was always a good laugh with each lesson.

Yes I would participate in another discovery program. I am very curious and always feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I learn something.

Thank you again for all your hard work, this has been fun.

#22 Face-to-Face Space: Social Networking Communities

I chose not to create a MySpace account. I found it interesting, and I have heard our students talk about Facebook and MySpace and they use it a lot, I don't think this is something I would do unless I had a group of friends spread all over the country, then that would be a fun way to keep in touch. As far as the features I enjoyed or not, I couldn't really tell you since I don' t have an account.

I'm sure this could be used in a library setting, but my lack of imagination won't let my brain wrap around that concept. If our library would go that direction I would be willing to learn it and put it in to use.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

#21 Podcasts, Shmodcasts!

I have decided that I'm not imaginative enough, nor so inclined to do searches that can be done in a timely manner. I've approached this like I shop. I feel like I have to look at everything then, get so confused and over loaded I lose interest.

However, I tried a library search and found a podcast for OPLIN, I did listen to it, but I couldn't really concentrate on what was being said. At least I am familiar with OPLIN. In case you are wondering OPLIN is a consortium of public libraries in Ohio.

One more week!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, August 6, 2007

A Librarian's 2.0 Manifesto

This is an experiment.

#20 You too can YouTube

Basically I really couldn't find anything real spectacular when I was exploring, so I decided to search library 2.0. Other than than the video Jan made, by favorite was A Librarian's 2.0 Manifest. In a perfect world, this is what I think all of us would like our library philosophy to be.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

I liked backpack. I could use it for my personal life to make lists, work on a home project, etc. I looked through several other options trying to find something that could help me with my library work. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places or something, but I really haven't found anything that would be of help. I could use the list feature to make lists of the websites I use regularly.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

#18 Web-based Apps

I explored the Google Docs & Spreadsheets. I already had a calendar that I created several months ago. Our family shares our calendars with each other so we have an idea when we have free time to get together. We all have been so busy recently we haven't used it as much as we should.

I like the idea of being able to create documents on one computer and being able to access from any computer, as well as sharing with others. I said I like the idea of sharing with other, but probably won't.